The Healing Power of OM
2 min read

Many of you have experienced OM chanting at the end of our classes or during retreats. I like to use my shruti box to set the tone, providing a gentle soundscape that helps ease you into the practice. My shruti box, made of teak, gives a steady background note to guide our voices, making the experience more comfortable for those exploring their chanting. If you're interested in deepening your home practice, you can find similar shruti boxes on Etsy.
The origins of the word OM date back to around 500 BCE, where it first appeared in the Mandukya Upanishad - one of the ancient texts exploring the philosophy of Hinduism. OM is described as the primordial sound of the Universe, representing what has been, what is, and what shall be. It symbolises the cyclical nature of existence and the eternal rhythm of life, in which we are all interconnected. While OM has roots in Hinduism, it has evolved into a mantra for people of all beliefs, representing unity with everything.
Ever noticed how OM chanting leaves you feeling peaceful and calm? OM chanting encourages the brain to shift into the Alpha brainwave state, a space where you feel alert yet relaxed, allowing for that magical 'creative flow' to happen. The vibrations produced during OM chanting also stimulate the vagus nerve, which triggers a parasympathetic response - helping your body enter a state of rest, relaxation, and digestion.
OM chanting is known to have positive effects on stress, anxiety, depression, and restlessness. Try chanting OM three times for peace of body, mind, and spirit, or extend the practice to a minute or more to fully experience its benefits on your nervous system and overall wellbeing.
Try OM Chanting Today!